President's Welcome​

Coming soon

Jim Henson, President
North State Writers (NSW)

North State Writers promotes the art and craft of writing across genres, connecting writers, editors, illustrators, publishers, reviewers, agents, and others interested in the continual renewal of creative thought and the written word. As our membership grows, so will our opportunities for everyone to participate in the activities of the club. Whichever genre you may work in, NSW is a place to find mentors and friends through smaller writing and critique groups, “open mic” nights, and other offerings as they are developed.

Our meetings are the 3rd Monday of each month. 6:00 pm Social time, meeting starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. and ends at 8:00 p.m. and are held at the Veteran's Memorial Hall, 554 Rio Lindo Ave in Chico.

NSW Serves Northern California

North State Writers has a service area covering Northern California from Yuba and Sutter counties on the south to the Oregon border on the north; and from the slopes of the Coastal Range on the west, to the Nevada border on the east. Our hope is that, through outreach, we can provide programs, workshops, writing contests, and networking support to serve the literary needs of novice and professional writers throughout the region.

For More Information....

About North State Writers